28 May

I weigh around 100 kg right now and I was at 106 at the beginning of April. There are lots of tips and tricks to lose weight, but due to my sedentary lifestyle and heavy workload, I wasn't able to commit to any of them. I worked with something which were in my control African Fat Flusher Reviews.

I quit anything non-veg. Not even egg. Not even egg whites. Only vegetarian food. I increased the fiber content by moving towards flatbread and sandwiches. Dosa, Idli and Upma also helped me with proper nutrient intake.

I forced myself to go to sleep at a fixed time and wake up at a fixed time. As I work with US clients, my working time is mostly in night. Hence, I forced my body to think that dawn means dinner time and evening means wake up.

Not sure if this is possible with you or not, but I moved to a location very close to my office. Next, I started walking to office or the way back home. Due to weather conditions, I used a mode of transport while going to office (around 3-4 PM when Sun is scorching) but I made sure I walked back. During the night, this also tired my body for a good sleep.

Another thing, I made sure I was never sitting for more than 1 hour. I'll just get up from my seat, walk to the cafeteria and come back or just go downstairs, walk around and talk to a few people for 10-15 minutes. But I never sat for more than 1 hour. This was not for my diet, but for my lower back's health.

This is a very tricky point. The thing is, if you work out (or walk 3-4 km, as in my case), most of the weight you lost is not fat, but water. When you drink it back, you've regained the weight. Seemingly. I normally used to drink after dinner or whenever I felt like. Now, I made sure that if I have any food which is fatty, I never drink water (or anything cold) after that. I'll drink some tea or warm milk, but no water. Some people say this allows the fats to dissolve in your stomach's acid, which the water (or other cold items) would have diluted and led to coagulation of fats. Chemically, it makes some sense but biologically, I wasn't sure. Nevertheless, I followed it.

If you want to lose weight, no matter what, have a routine breakfast. Lots of studies and papers have been published on this. I normally have my breakfast around 2-3 PM, when I wake up. Lately, I've been having carb rich breakfast, as the athletes say. Mostly Dosa, Idli and Upma. Once in a while, I have some plain roti-sabji to change the taste palate.

There is a reason why I've put this as the last point. I'm sure no other answer would have mentioned this. And the only proof I have is my own personal experience, I've kept it at the last. One of the important characteristics of the healthy body is that all the bodily functions are timed around your sleep hours. Earlier, due to haphazard sleep schedule, neither my eating times were timed neither the needs to defecate. However, as my sleeping schedule started getting fixed, it became more routine for me. Earlier, I'd wake up in the middle of sleep, starving and a bowel rumbling to empty itself, both at once. Now, my body is more aware of what to do and when.

All of these points are from my personal experience of losing 6 kg in a month. Hope it helps you find a balance with your body as well.

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